Colors & text colors


Color primary: #56cfe1


Color heading: #222222


Color Typography: #878787


The claue theme uses mainly Pe-icon-7-stroke font and fontAwesone version 4.7.0.

Typography & Text Grid

Heading H1

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.

Heading H2

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.

Heading H3

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.

Heading H4

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.

Heading H5

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.

Heading H6

Soccer free chili, throat monitoring, please anyone, pregnant, that is. But the message. Bureau present element temperature. But always lorem at felis. Manufacturing weekend, the lake is a driver shafts, or my Performance Pakistan, now sapien football volleyball football players. Foot boat athletics, football protein, the fermentation and protein but, pot.


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Success message
Notification text
Warning display
Info display
Error display


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